Asghar Jahangir, the spokesman of the judicial branch, announced in a press conference that with the approval of the government board, the internal activity of cryptocurrencies has been recognized as illegal, and the risks and dangers are the responsibility of the users themselves.
According to Iran digital economy annotation, he pointed out that, unfortunately, the central bank has not fulfilled its duties regarding crypto-currency, and added:
“According to the numerous meetings that have been held with the presence of the custodian institutions in Iran, the Central Bank should have a more effective presence in order to organize, determine the necessary regulations and regulate in this field, and its supervision should be more accurate, which unfortunately seems to have not performed its duties properly until today. “
Jahangir further stated that cryptocurrencies have created problems in most international banks and need to be organized and regulated, and since the central banks of countries do not recognize cryptocurrencies, this area has become a suitable platform for money laundering and big frauds.
Emphasizing the definite policy of the country, he said:
“The definite policy of the country is that the government has declared the domestic activity of cryptocurrencies prohibited and the risks and dangers of those who enter into these transactions will be borne by themselves.”
In the end, the spokesperson of the judiciary pointed out that the judiciary has also put good measures on the agenda regarding criminalization, illegal activities, information and awareness raising, and continuously monitors the cyber space to prevent fraud.
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