By Signing a Contract Worth 7000 billion Rials, which is Considered the Largest Indigenous Contract between the Communications Infrastructure Company and the Ministry of Communications, an Addition of 20 Terabits per Second to the Country’s Transmission Network Capacity is Planned.
According to IDEA, one of the overlooked issues in the field of communications is the optimal use of our country’s homeland capacity for data transit. Data transit between the West and East of the world through our country’s land has special advantages for neighboring countries, the most important of which is the reduction of ping time by 20 to 30 milliseconds, resulting from the shortened distance to data centers in Europe, as well as the possibility of repairing and recovering fiber route faults in the shortest possible time compared to maritime routes like the Oman Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and the Suez Canal.
In other words, all the factors for our country to become a regional data transit hub are in place, and it is obvious that this capacity should be utilized. Since the beginning of the thirteenth government, 40% has been added to the country’s transit traffic capacity, and as the Minister of Communications and Technology states, it is planned to increase the country’s data transit capacity to 4 terabits by the end of the government’s term.
the level of network traffic has increased acceptably
According to the assessments made, the level of network traffic has increased acceptably, and saturation levels have reached a minimum compared to the past, with ongoing progress in this area.
At the beginning of the thirteenth government, the transmission network capacity was 35.8 terabits per second, but with the planning of the Ministry of Communications in this government, it is intended to double this capacity by the end of this year, which is 70% of this increase will be achieved using domestic equipment. According to officials, at the beginning of the thirteenth government, the transmission network capacity was 35.8 terabits per second, all of which were foreign equipment; however, in the thirteenth government, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology planned to double the country’s transmission capacity by the end of 1402, which means increasing the transmission capacity of the country to 70.8 terabits per second, of which 70.8 terabits per second, 70% will be achieved using domestic equipment.
In this regard, a contract worth 7000 billion Rials, which is the largest contract for indigenization between the Communications Infrastructure Company and the Ministry of Communications, has been signed for the first time, and it is planned to add 20 terabits per second to the country’s transmission network capacity using domestic equipment.
It should be noted that efforts to transform Iran into a data transit hub have been emphasized by governments in recent years, to the extent that in the past year, the former head of the Communications Infrastructure Company announced that with the effective presence of this company in the international arena, over several months, the data transit rate from the route of the Islamic Republic of Iran increased from 1.3 terabits per second to more than 2.9 terabits per second.
It should be noted that some time ago, Javad Gholampour, the Director-General of Communications and Information Technology in Qom province, announced: “Currently, the total bandwidth capacity of Qom province’s input is 960 gigabits per second, indicating more than 166% growth from August 1400 (2021) until now.”
The Director-General of Communications and Information Technology of Qom province continued: “The capacity of the province’s transmission network has reached 260 gigabits per second, which shows a growth of more than 136% compared to 1400 (2021).
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