The regulator’s autumn 2023 report says that among the three mobile operators, only RighTel has increased the speed of 4G internet.
According to Iran digital economy annotation, the report of the autumn season of 2023 was published by the Organization for Regulation and Radio Communications, with a short distance from the summer report of 2023.
According to this report, the 4G internet speed of the country’s first and second operators in the fall of 2023 was facing a decrease as in the summer of this year, and only in “RighTel” the 4G internet speed increased with a significant difference.
The comparison of the spring, summer and fall 2023 reports of the regulator indicates that the internet speed continues to decrease in the first and second operators, and these reports show that RighTel is the only operator that has recorded an increase in internet speed every season.
From spring to autumn 2023, RighTel has experienced an upward trend in 4G network internet speed. The average speed was 19.26 MB in the summer of last year, which has increased to 20.68 in the fall of 2023 according to the latest regulatory statistics. This is while the Internet speed of the first operator’s 4G network was 11.97 MB in the summer of last year and reached 11.75 MB in the fall. Of course, this decrease is more significant in the second operator and the internet speed of the 4G network has reached 11.97 MB in the fall season. While in the summer of 2023, this speed was 13.71 MB.
According to the review of internet packages of mobile operators, RighTel is the only operator that offers one-year long-term packages with volumes of 100 and 200 GB to its subscribers.
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