Mirana, a new member of Job Vision Group, has started her activity in the field of headhunting service since October this year.
Mirana, a new member of Job Vision Group, has started its activity in the field of headhunting service since October this year and has made it available to employers and professionals through the Mirana website.
One of the challenges of Iran’s labor market today is attracting and hiring senior managers and specialists. On the other hand, high-quality specialist and senior staff are often employed somewhere and are less likely to be actively looking for work.
These quality forces are often in good positions in the organization due to their ability, expertise and quality of work, and even in situations where they think about moving, they usually make this happen by relying on their network of friends and acquaintances. For this reason, even large companies that have a good employer brand avoid posting job ads for this group.
According to Iran digital economy annotation, but in the world, this gap is filled by headhunting companies and agencies. On the one hand, organizations rely on the headhunting service to find and hire this group of people, and on the other hand, this group, that is, experts and quality senior managers, usually interact and communicate with a headhunting company.
This connection allows these people to receive the most suitable job offers when they want to move and enter into dialogue with organizations while maintaining their negotiating position (as a headhunted person). Also, even in situations where they do not actively decide to move, they may come across suitable and attractive job opportunities due to this connection, which they would like to get to know, get more information about, and investigate.
Among the benefits of cooperation between organizations and headhunting companies, the following can be mentioned:
- Access to the best talents and senior executives
- communication and negotiation with passive candidates; Passive candidates
- Specialized screening of options and selection of the most suitable candidate for each role according to the needs of each organization
- Mastering the knowledge and capabilities required by all specialized departments in every organization and industry
- Saving time
- Maintain confidentiality
- Guaranteed payment and on the condition of successful employment and permanence of the introduced person
Mohammad Reza Ghafouri, the CEO of Mirana, explained in this regard: “It can be said with a good approximation that the traditional labor market cannot solve the unique needs of high-level candidates and the complex challenges that companies face in finding leaders and talents. “
He continued: “In the job market that is facing a big threat these days such as immigration, the role of a specialized company in the field of Headhunting will be even more vital. At Mirana, as a strategic partner, we are committed to playing the role of connecting link between senior people and top organizations.
Our commitment to bridging this gap is based on a deep understanding of corporate needs and individual talents. “Our mission at Mirana is to remove barriers to growth by connecting top companies with the most suitable leaders and talent so that both businesses and individuals can thrive and excel in their own path.”
He added: “After establishing its position in the country’s employment ecosystem and having the largest applicant tracking system (ATS) in the form of the Hive platform, Jobvision Group has decided to invest in the new Mirana service to fulfill this mission.”
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