Divar data in a report released on World TV Day shows that searches for Korean brands are still leading on the platform. “Samsung” and “LG” are the brands that Divar users were looking for more than other TV brands on this platform in the first half of this year.
According to the IDEA, 65 years have passed since the first official television program was broadcast in Iran. In these few decades, television and the programs that the audience could see with this magic box have gone through many ups and downs, from the peak days of popularity because it was the only means of entertainment for families to the days when its market boom decreased and was replaced by other devices such as phones took along.
However, television still plays a significant role in the daily entertainment of Iranian families. Especially since many people still spend their day and night sitting in front of this device; To watch the programs of movie and series platforms, satellite and radio channels, watch football, movies and series, or play computer games, etc., for this reason, the TV buying and selling market has not yet stopped booming.
Today is World Television Day, and for this reason, we have checked the statistics of the Divar platform to see which provinces publish the most TV ads, which provinces allocate a larger share of their ads to new and which second-hand devices, what brands and what sizes are in between. Divar users are more popular and users are looking for which TV accessories the most. You can read these and more in the rest of this report.
Iranian or Korean?
According to Divar’s “news room” report, since the entry of Korean household appliances into Iran was banned about two years ago, the majority of televisions in the Iranian market are domestically produced televisions. Naturally, the majority of new TV ads on the Divar belong to Iranian TVs. However, a survey of users’ searches on the Divar shows that Iranians are still looking for popular Korean TV shows.
Among the 100 most frequent words searched by users in the “Television and Projector” subcategory in the first half of this year, the names of 9 TV brands can be seen. Some of these brands are Iranian and some are foreign. But the largest share of the number of searches for these brands belongs to “Samsung”, “LG” and “Sony”, respectively. These three brands have a total of 75% of these searches.
Is “55” or “32” more popular?
Among these searched words on the Divar , various screen sizes can be seen; From 14 inches to 75 inches. Users sometimes search for these sizes separately; For example, they only write “42 inches” in the search bar. Sometimes they search for the same size next to the name of the brand they want; For example, they write “Samsung 42 inches”.
If we were to compare all sizes searched, regardless of whether they were searched for individually or alongside a specific brand name, “32” would be at the top of the list and “55” would be second.
But if we compare the sizes that are just next to the brand names, “Samsung 55 inches” will be in the first place and “Samsung 32 inches” will be in the next place. Interestingly, during this time and among these 100 words, Divar users searched for TV screen size only next to the names of three brands: “Samsung”, “LG” and “Sony”.
Are TVs on the Divar more “new” or “second hand”?
93% of the TV ads published on the Divar in the first half of this year belong to “second-hand” items, and only 7% are for “new” TVs. It is true that in the different categories of the Divar , a larger share of ads belong to second-hand items, but this rule is much more pronounced in the case of television. However, Divar visitors and serious TV buyers on the platform were particularly interested in new TVs, receiving an average of twice as many contact details for a new ad as for a used ad.
Television in the not so distant future
It’s been a while since TV is no longer just a one-way device. Until a few years ago, you had to sit in front of the TV, turn it on and wait to see what the TV channels have prepared for you and finally choose from them. Now, thanks to the smartness of televisions and their connection to the Internet and the emergence of metaverse and the expansion of artificial intelligence, television is moving more and more towards becoming interactive.
However, many believe that with the growth and popularity of smartphones and their corresponding platforms, TV will be sidelined very soon. Contrary to this popular perception, the United Nations has estimated that in the future, not only will the amount of television use not decrease, but it will also increase.
If this estimate is correct, the interactiveness of television along with the borderless Internet can remove the monopoly of television networks and the production of television programs in many parts of the world and help to make it more popular. An image that may seem like a dream to many of us today.
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