According to the DigiKala public relations report, when you search for a product in DigiKala, you will see the entire stock of that product offered by different sellers. Despite the same specifications, you may have encountered different prices for the same product and this issue has become a question mark for you; Why is the price of a product not the same and every seller has announced a price?
According to Iran digital economy annotation, First, you should know that DigiKala considers a reference price for goods, which is actually the suggested price of this market police for that goods. This price is divided into 4 types:
The price listed on the product (consumer)
The price listed on the product (manufacturer)
Approved price
The suggested price is automatically calculated based on the average sales of the product in the past days
The sellers who are active in DigiKala can determine the price of the product after considering different costs and comparing it with similar products and declare a price higher or lower than the reference price for the product.
For this reason, the prices are slightly different from each other. In fact, this happens because of the competition that sellers have with each other. In addition, the calculations of the sellers and the percentage of profit they consider for themselves are different from each other. With this process, you may see a product with several prices in DigiKala, although this difference is usually not much.
The competitiveness of sales in DigiKala makes the sellers in this space fix their weaknesses and try to earn more points, improve the quality of their activities and increase the sales of their products. In addition, it is possible for buyers to choose the best one based on the price among the same products offered.
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