Digikala’s chief investment officer considers attracting the opinion of generation Z as the best way to achieve significant influence in the market at low cost, and at the same time believes that cheap loans are the bane of Iran’s startup ecosystem.
According to Iran digital economy annotation, Ahmad Farahani, the chief investment manager of Digikala, considers the changes in technology and trends that change the way of providing value, the change of generations and their requests, and the entry of large companies into all fields as the main factors of creating changes in the field of businesses. . According to Farahani, these changes can make it more expensive and complicated for small businesses to enter the market.
He says about the tools to deal with these trends: The most important thing that can help us survive against the trends and serious changes that occur in the IT space is to identify the most important values in the world. Looking at examples of reputable businesses shows new trends in technology and types of services.
Farahani goes on to say about the solution of small businesses to enter the market: small businesses must create value in line with the needs of large businesses. Businesses that can take their design to a direction that answers only part of an important problem and offers the possibility of connecting to a large business can be connected to it.
According to the chief investment officer of Digikala, the biggest crisis for businesses is money. He says about the opportunities that businesses should focus on: Changing the mindset of business founders can open a new window for them. When we say that the money in the market is reduced, the output is that I can offer a limited number of products, but when I accept these limitations, it gives the opportunity for businesses to create better financial ratios in the vacuum that they find.
He considers cheap loans to be the bane of Iran’s ecosystem and adds: the opportunity of tax credit provides the opportunity to negotiate, interact, finance and grow a big player and is a good help to businesses. By becoming real and accepting the real literature of Iran’s ecosystem, we can build better businesses.
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